Serbian names
The most popular female name in Serbia now is Milica. The name means “kind”.
The most popular male name in Serbia now is Nikola. It is originally a Greek name – “nike” (victory) + “laos” (people).
Some of the oldest female Slavic names (with a Slavic word stem) are Ljudmila (dear to people), Svetlana (light, clean).
Some of the oldest male Slavic names (with a Slavic word stem) are Darko (bringing gifts), Perun (the highest god, god of thunder).
Surnames often end in -IĆ. If they don’t, it doesn’t mean they are not Serbian. Usually, surnames represent a male ancestor. For example, Divac means that there was a very tall man, as “div” means “a giant”. Petrović means that there was and ancestor named Petar.
Are you interested in the Serbian language? – Please visit our site: e-word.