Serbian Language Course “SuperBravo” – Unit 000

Welcome to “SUPER BRAVO” Serbian Language Video Course!

SUPER BRAVO is a unique textbook because it is written both in the Latin and Cyrillic script, side by side. Also, every single word, sentence, page… is translated into English, right next to the Serbian language page. Students do not need a notebook as there is also space for notes. The reason for having such a structure is the wish for students to have everything in one place, structured chunks of information, structured thoughts that make room for a creative and practical use of language.

How to use this Serbian language course? Download SUPER BRAVO unit, print it out, listen and watch the video, follow the instructions, complete the exercises in the book, repeat and revise. If you have any questions, I will gladly answer them all:

So, have fun, relax, enjoy, and the book will lead you.


If you wish to learn more about the school, take a look at e-word!

If you wish to book a free trial by Skype, just let me know when’s the best time for you: