The pronoun SVOJ in Serbian

A bit of advanced grammar in Serbian. How to use the reflexive possessive pronoun SVOJ, take a look!




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1. Is it possible to use the pronoun SVOJ in these sentences. Write DA or NE.


  1. Vidim sestru. – I see a sister, but whose sister is it? 
  2. Ti imaš plan. – You have a plan, but whose plan is it?
  3. On živi u Beogradu.
  4. Ona je poslovna žena, ima firmu. – Does she have her own company?
  5. Mi smo dobro.
  6. Vi radite posao. – Whose work are you doing?
  7. Oni iznajmljuju auto zato što nemaju auto.


2. Complete the sentences by using the words: svoju (x2), svoj (x3).


  1. Vidim __________ sestru
  2. Ti imaš __________ plan. 
  3. Ona je poslovna žena, ima  __________  firmu. 
  4. Vi radite __________ posao.
  5. Oni iznajmljuju auto zato što nemaju __________  auto.


3. Please translate these sentences to Serbian (use pronouns moj, tvoj… svoj).


  1. He likes to use my car because he doesn’t have his own.
  2. It’s my wish to do it better.
  3. Please bring your own pencils to the test.
  4. He doesn’t let others tell him what to do. He thinks with his own head.
  5. I saw that with my own eyes!
  6. From my experience, it is better to do it this way.
  7. Yours is better.
  8. It is good to think with your own head.


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